Curly Leaf Pondweed Update

It has been a very long year with COVID-19 impacting virtually everything we used to take for granted. We have greatly appreciated having our lake properties to use as refuges during this storm!

We recently held our first ‘in person’ association board meeting since the beginning of the pandemic. The main topic was Mayo Lake’s curly leaf pondweed problem. We recently had PLM survey the lake and there were three larger patches of this invasive weed totaling almost 10 acres. They quoted $9000 to treat these areas. After much discussion, the board voted to approve two actions. First, we approved a motion to have PLM perform the treatment. Second, we approved a motion to follow up with another lake survey in the spring of 2022 to 1) determine the efficacy of the 2021 treatment and 2) identify new areas to consider treating next year.

This treatment will consume a considerable portion of our financial reserve. If you haven’t yet paid your 2021 membership dues, please do so. If you’re not an association member, please join the effort to conserve your lake! And if you have the financial resources to do so, please consider a gift in addition to your membership dues. Remember, your dues and gifts are tax deductible!